Chalifoux home..
Chalifoux home..
This site has multiple purposes. Not only is it a family website where I may present photos, stories, and perhaps a few essays with my deeper thoughts(or my rants at politicians and/or big corporations), but also special slideshows of some of my expeditions and adventures. I’m also allowing it to become a collection site for genealogical data and photos for the CHALIFOUX, ETHIER and FRITZ families.
***Some of the sites are passworded. Answer a question with a hint or contact denisATchalifouxDOTca for the password.
INDEX: (some entries are now only archives of my old websites)
1. Chalifoux Home
2. Tribute to Gloria (“Just A Simple Country Girl” - Mar 2010)
8. ETHIER Family History (in progress)
9. FRITZ Family History (not yet available)
13. Majorville MEDICINE WHEEL (Canada’s StoneHenge) - Aug 2011)
17. Opinion on Double Touring Sea Kayaks
19. “Soccer Tune-Up” (photo essay... archival but interesting)
20. “One Day At The Dog Off-Leash” (Bailey narrates) - May 2008
21. “Drawing From the Mountain”- Lorne Perry Book launch - Oct 2006
Drawing From the Mountain PREVIEW
22. EKOS singers - 2005-2009
23. NARRTS - Non-Association of Ramblers & Rhinoceros Trackers 2004
24. My Websites for Soccer Teams on which Julian has played:
VICTORIA NAIT DFCA RossShep TBIRDS and 2009 OutdoorMen
Welcome to our virtual space...
1.Family Portrait @ Fritz ReUnion - 2005
2.Enjoying a pipe at Park Lake, Lethbridge 2005
3.Simona & Doris - Waterton 2007
4.Julian SkyDiving BD Gift - 2012
5.Father/Daughter SeaKayak Adventure 2009 (below)